Our games represent a revolutionary new approach to teaching math that combines common sense, creativity and clever thinking. They incorporate proven math strategies that are the foundation for great computational skills, challenging activities that appeal to kids and adults of all ages, and social gaming features that add a friendly, competitive dimension. Best of all, they're so fun they're addicting. Just learn to play - then play to learn!
Focus on Fundamentals. We started with the belief that fundamental skills are the foundation for greatness. To excel in math, kids need great computational skills. They need to know their addition and subtraction facts inside and out, and their multiplication and division tables cold. They need to be able to combine operations efficiently and effortlessly and work with numbers of any size.
With this in mind, we’ve designed games that teach kids to think about numbers the right way. No more counting. No more memorizing. No more procedures learned by rote. Instead, games that develop good number sense and strong mental math skills by teaching kids to break numbers apart in smart ways. They also provide the repetition and practice that leads to mastery.
Us vs Them. Our games are different in two important ways. First, we focus on strategies and answers, not just answers. Getting the right answer is important, but so is thinking quickly and efficiently. Our strategies lay the groundwork for higher math - and also get the answers right.
Second, our games are full of math - not something else. While other games give kids non-math incentives to play more, our games reward kids for doing math . . . with more math. Imagine, kids being so challenged and engaged that they want to do more math problems!
Timing Is Everything. Every game is timed to give kids a way to assess their performance. Instead of false confidence, we give them the strategies and tools to become better. For some kids, competing with their friends provides incentive to practice. For others, seeing their times improve is enough. For everyone, racing the clock develops the quick and agile thinking that makes math easy.
Level Playing Field. With math, one size doesn't fit all. In every game, players can choose the skill level that feels just right. They can vary the number of numbers, the size of numbers, the type of numbers, the operations, and everything in-between. Feeling ambitious and ready for a new challenge? Choose a higher skill level to stretch your skills. Need a boost in confidence? Practice your current level and watch your times improve. Looking for a little excitement? Try a different operator. It's digital game nirvana.
Break Apart
These games teach kids the strategies they need for the Common Core's Operations & Algebraic Thinking Standard. They build
number sense and strong mental math skills, and are sequenced so students become proficient with all numbers, not just small
Getting Started. From the BreakApart game page, simply click on the symbol in the top left panel to choose the arithmetic operation. Then select a specific strategy from the list below. Every strategy is important for achieving overall mastery of that operation.
While many games focus on adding numbers, Math Limbo focuses on breaking them apart. Learning to decompose numbers in smart ways
is the key to having strong computational skills.
Getting Started. On the left panel, choose the 10 and 15-pin games to build skills with single-digit numbers, or choose the 100 and 150-pin games to build skills with multiples of 10. Players can also choose to decompose numbers using just addition (+) or both addition and subtraction (±).
Mastery of basic addition facts is the goal of this game. Players must quickly identify equations that are not only
mathematically correct but the "right color." The result is many mental calculations and lots of valuable practice.
Getting Started. On the left panel, choose the number of sets in each hand (1 to 5) and the maximum size of the numbers (10 for easy and 20 for hard). Find sets by clicking on the 3 numbers that form each set. Think quickly, the clock's running!
Order of operations can be a confusing concept for both kids and adults alike. Expresso gives players of all ages a great way
to improve their understanding through practice. Perfect as an independent math center, it develops strong mental math skills
in all four operations.
Getting Started. On the left panel, choose the operators and the number of numbers in each expression. Fill in the missing operators from left to right, but remember, calculations are done according to the correct order of operations. This means parentheses first, followed by multiplication and division, and finally addition and subtraction.
Through focused and systematic practice, this game develops the skills needed to meet one of the toughest Common Core
standards: finding missing addends, missing subtrahends and missing minuends – in first grade!
Funny Numbers
Is there an easier way to teach regrouping? How about measurement, elapsed time problems and fractions? Funny Numbers make
some of the toughest topics easier to teach and easier to learn. They're the perfect bridge to standard algorithms.
Place Value
Do kids really understand place value or have they merely memorized by rote the things they know? This game is a helpful tool
for assessing understanding and providing practice when needed. It addresses the Common Core domain Number & Operations in
Base 10.
Standard Algorithms
When students have mastered Funny Numbers, learning standard algorithms follows naturally. This game provides the repetition
and practice kids need to master faster, more efficient computational algorithms and apply them to measurement, money and
elapsed time problems.